Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Humble Bundle 7

Just a heads up for you indie game loving people out there.

A new Humble Bundle is up on their site now, and will be for another 11 days. The best games of this bundle I would say is The Binding of Isaac and Legend of Grimrock. Search them up on youtube if you would like to know more about what kind of games those are, I'd recommend searching for TotalBiscuit's "WTF is..." videos.
As I write this, the minimum amount to pay to get all the games are $6.39 USD. If you had to buy the games separately, you would have to pay over $100 USD, so it is a real bargain.
Of course it is not all about getting cheap games, it is also about supporting charity. Making the world a better place for someone else too.

WTF is "The Binding of Isaac" - TotalBiscuit
WTF is "Legend of Grimrock" - TotalBiscuit

Oh, and this time I promise I will have new MineCraft content out within a few days. I couldn't make it yesterday because I had a lot to do for Christmas preparations.

Now get yourself some indie games, have fun, but don't forget to spend some time with your family during the holidays.


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