Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tutorial: How to start a LAN world in MineCraft 1.3.1

Hi there!

This is a short tutorial on how to create a world in MineCraft, and opening it up for LAN so that you can play with your friends in your singleplayer world.

To start, open your MineCraft. Go to singleplayer and create a new world, which you probably know how to do, or you can enter one of your existing worlds:
 Once you have entered the world, hit Escape, and this screen shoul come up. In this menu, press "Open to LAN".
 In the next menu (image below), you can select some options for your LAN world.
 Under 1. You can change the gamemode between: Survival, Creative or Adventure.
 Under 2. You can turn Cheats On or Off. Cheats are if you want to be able to fly and have unlimited items etc.
 Once you have changed the settings to your liking, press "Start LAN World" (3).
 Immediately after you pressed "Start LAN World", you should get some text in the lower right corner  saying:
"Local game hosted on " (see image). The address is some numbers separated by dot's (.) then a colon (:) and then another number. This is the address that your friends can connect to your game on. All they have to do now is to go to: Multiplayer - Direct Connect. There they enter the address, the whole thingy with dot's and the colon, and press "Join Server".
 If you and they did it correctly, you should see them in your world after not so long time!
Enjoy and have FUN!

Not working?
Yes I know it might not be working for everybody, but this might have something to do with your routers firewall configuration or some other technical error. I don't really know how to fix this, but you can try asking other minecrafters over at .

Got any questions? Ask them in the comments!

Texturepack is here Click . More info on tecturepack coming in a later post.

Until next time, have fun and keep on building!
