Saturday, December 1, 2012

All of a sudden, Tekkit!

Time for a small post again.
Last post I promised more regular updates, but it didn't really go that way. The reason is that I re-discovered Tekkit. The last time I tryed to play Tekkit, I didn't relly understand that much of it, and gave up. But this time I researched a bit before starting and I finally can build some of the new stuff.
If you don't know what Tekkit is, it is a mod pack to MineCraft which adds very much to the game.
Read more on it on their webpage .

Now onto what I have built in Tekkit so far. I only got overview pictures for now.
Overview of my base. Main building in the center, the orange thingy to the right is the quarry and the grey and white building on the left is where I got my nuclear reactor.

View from my nuclear reactor.
The wind turbines and solar panels, which I get most of my energy from as the nuclear reactor isn't connected yet. To the left is where I used to have a coupple of quarries. I covered up the holes and used something called a terraformer to make a rainforrest.
View from my current quarry placement.
 And that is all I got for now. If you decide to get the Tekkit mod, I reccommend that you also get the Sphax PureBDcraft texturepack.
More detail from my Tekkit adventure to come in the following posts.

Play games and have fun guys!


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