Tuesday, October 9, 2012

other games than MineCraft

Soo, time for another post.

The reason I'm not updating this blog that much, is because I have been buisy in real life and when I have been infront of the computer, I have played other games than MineCraft.
Some of my favourite games these days are: Battlefield 3, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition, Civilization V and StarCraft 2.
These games have kept me quite buisy because: new expansion pack, friends want to play this, and friends want to play that, trying to make a few bucks on Diablo 3, tearing my hair out from Dark Souls and so on and so forth.

No pictures or anything in todays little post. Just a little note for you to know whats going on.

Take care, play games and have FUN!
